Saturday, February 16, 2008

make up urself less than 1 min with coloronpro!

how? it's hilarious actually, but if it's working then why not? this product coloronpro provide you the latest invention in the make-up industry but giving you a professional makeup artist in one box. you can see the photos and understand what I'm talking about.
but believe me.. if they come to watch our girls in the college and Univ. I think they will be in shock. full clean makeup at 7:30. I really don't know how they do it everyday lol. Hmm, but i think coloronpro is not bad at all if you messed up with your makeup or have no time at all to go to a party.
there are wild eyeshadows as well.
to view more or order visit their website :


Anonymous said...


i must have 1 too

Anonymous said...

thanks anonymous :P